Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An MD Program and Not One Qualified Faculty Member

I am still trying to figure out how any of the USD SOM faculty are qualified to "teach" as professors in a Medical School, when none of the faculty have specific training in human medicine. Can someone clarify the faculty and their supposed qualifications????

Clearly, based on research efforts and the fact that none of the faculty have published, I begin to wonder how these people wake up in the morning and claim that they are academics. Bunger, you are certainly not qualified.

As a physician, we are required to maintain a certain number of CME credits and to maintain a clinical license ... this is not true of a PhD. The only litmus test for a PhD faculty member is their continued publication record for developments based on novel research. Based on the publication track record of the USD SOM, none of the faculty are qualified to teach. Maybe, it is time to clean house of this over-bloated University. With salaries issued (see below posts) these people should be publishing like crazy.

Better yet, any faculty wanting to defend their training are welcome to post.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

T Denny Sanford just might be a Moron

I am wondering ... is T Denny Sanford a nut-job??? He makes an amazing gift (~ $400 million USD) to underwrite the expenses of the Sanford Health System and the University of South Dakota School of Medicine and he makes an amazing ~ $30 million dollar donation to the San Diego Stem Cell Consortium (now known as the Sanford Consortium), but NONE of the Faculty at the USD seem to have two nickles of experience or capable-interest in regenerative medicine. In fact, the faculty of the USD School of Medicine are unqualified morons!!! And, there is no excuse or denying that fact.

Hey, T Denny Sanford, open your eyes, you are a "smart" businessman, why in the hell are you throwing (why in the hell did you throw away) valuable finanical resources on the USD School of Medicine? Everyone applaudes your gift to the Sanford Consortium, these people at least apply a chance to develop something that might aid humanity. On the other hand, the morons of the USD are only stealing your money!

Monday, June 8, 2009

An MD/PhD Program and No Research Scientists on Staff

I have lost my amazement at the administration (lack thereof) of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine. To some extent, I am beginning to wonder why T Denny Sanford is giving money to this institution? An MD/PhD program and a limited faculty conducting basic scientific research. How is it possible that such a department and degree is issued? Can someone provide a logical answer for this?

Clearly, no one in the MD/PhD program has the experiences or qualifications of an MD/PhD student at an institution such as Michigan, Minnesota or even Iowa. The Director of the USD MD/PhD program, Xuejun Wang (http://www.usd.edu/med/biomed/faculty/biosketch/xuejunwang.cfm), was "trained" in China, does NOT have a valid medical license and does NOT practice medicine. My guess, he was not trained in "western medicine." Moreover, this individual supposed completed a PhD at the University of South Dakota ... Talk about nepotism!

Amazingly, as a non-licensable physician and publicly using the credentials of M.D., Mr. Xuejun Wang is in direct violation of The State of South Dakota Codified Laws and Constitution and is guilty of an intentional Class 1 Misdemeanor. This violation was brought to the attention of the Governors Office and the State Attorney General's Office. Todate, nothing has been done about this. It amazes me that the Citizens of South Dakota have enacted legislation and the two principles officers of the State of South Dakota are refusing to enforce the law that they have sworn to uphold. Neither officer has the authority to decided which laws he will uphold, their duities reside in maintaining the laws of the State, not of their conscience. Maybe, our SD legislative followers will chime-in on this one (State Senator Jerstad maybe it is time for you to step-up and act).

§36-4-9. Use of title and other acts constituting practice of medicine. For the purpose of this chapter, "practice of medicine or osteopathy" includes, but not by way of limitation, to append or prefix the letters M.D., or D.O. or the title of Doctor or Dr. or Specialist or Osteopath or any other sign or appellation in a medical sense to one's name or to profess publicly to be a physician or surgeon or to recommend, prescribe or direct for the use of any person any drug, medicine, apparatus, or other agency for the cure, relief or palliation of any ailment or disease of the mind or body or the cure or relief of any wound, fracture or bodily injury or deformity.

No one in the Basic Sciences Faculty at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine has training in the fields of human medicine. Not one single individual has a PhD in a relevant human medicine field. A majority of the faculty do not perform hypothesis driven research and most of the faculty have not contributed to or published a single research driven manuscript in > 10 years.

This MD/PhD program at the University of South Dakota is a sham ... much like the faculty comprising the Basic Sciences division (http://www.usd.edu/med/biomed/faculty/home.cfm).

Monday, June 1, 2009

Who Is Rodney Perry

As one major extension to the theme of this blog has surrounded the exposure of the frauds representing the University of South Dakota School of Medicine, I present you with even more disturbing information.

Rodney Perry, Vice President/Dean of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine (salary: ~$380,000.00). I am hesitant to title Mr. Perry as Dr. Perry ... you will see why. See http://www.volanteonline.com/polopoly_fs/1.1727581!/salaries.pdf

Rodney Perry earned an "undergraduate degree" in pharmacy from SDSU in 1965 (not sure if this is/was a Bachelors degree of just a program) then completed a Bachelors of Science degree in medicine from the University of South Dakota in 1967. What? A B.S. in Medicine. I have not heard of such a silly degree since the turn of the century. As a matter of fact, I am not aware of such a degree in the history of the US Medical Education. Although, as a caveat, the US Medical Education was not "standardized" until the mid-1970s ... so I am sure there are stranger occurrences. Then, after completing this bizarre BS-Medicine, off to Wisconsin to complete an MD. I am lost! Does this person really have a Medical Education?

Okay, enough of that, what is more concerning is a "recent" statement by Dean Perry concerning his outlook and purpose of leadership at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine:

“Ours is a distinguished community-based medical school that has committed, compassionate students and dedicated faculty who are nationally recognized for their teaching and research" See: http://www.usd.edu/press/news/news.cfm?nid=471

What? A community based medical school! Ha! Not one member of the admissions committee resides outside of the "metropolitan-areas" of either Sioux Falls or Vermillion. Community Based ... come-on.

Nationally recognized faculty for their teacing and research! What? Where are these awards ... someone help point out these claimed honors.

Mr. Perry, if you are going to make claims of such conquests, please, be able to back-up your supposed claims with facts! You would think, for a tax-payer funded salary of ~ $380,000.00/year, one would be slightly more intelligent.

FYI, a nationally recognized faculty member would be someone similar to Dr. Christiaan Barnard (Scientific Thief) or Dr. James Watson (A Double Helix), though equally famous, but not nationally known would be someone similar to Dr. Norman Shumway (The King of Hearts) or Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey (Proof of Effictiveness & Safety).

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Advice Contrary to Popular Thought

Probably one of the best medical suggestions a physician can offer:


I wonder what experiences the University of South Dakota School of Medicine Admissions Committee has in these such situations?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Understanding Genomics

We are living in one of the most exciting times for modern human medicine and science. The human genome has been deciphered, stem cell and regenerative medicine therapies are on the near horizon (in fact the first Phase I stem cell clinical trial has been approved by the US FDA), and personalized genomic medicine(s) will soon be the norm. What exciting times!

However, with these changes, my thoughts turn to the quality of education and the abilities of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine faculties ability to teach these incredibly radical (textbook altering) concepts. Clearly, not one member of the USD SOM has a background in Stem Cell Biology, not one member has any training in Regenerative Medicine, not one member has even the slightest abilities or training in the fields of Pharmacology & Toxicology (a boggling concept considering physicians precribe regulated drugs and biologics), and certainly not one member of the faculty has any training in the fields of genomics, epi-genomics or bioinformatics.

In a very short time, the standard of care for individuals who are in need of pharmaceutical(s) treatment will involve a highly complex (but simple) pre-prescription genomic analysis of the patients DNA (or in some cases RNA activities). Prior to a patient starting a therapeutic regimen, they will undergo an relatively non-invasive DNA donation (something as simple as a oral swab), a genomic profile will be built and a result compiled of the patients genome sequence will be rendered. With this information scientists will consult with the patients physician an will be able with higher proficiency, detail the appropriate dose of a specific drug, whether or not a specific drug can be used in combination with other medications, and if there are any potential conflicts between therapies and mediciations. This might sound like futuristic thinking, but it is already upon us (in more ways than any of the students or faculty at USD SOM are aware of ... I assure yo of that).

My concerns are in the facts that none of the USD SOM faculty have any background in translational medicine. As has already been pointed out, a majority of the faculty at USD SOM have no research fundiing, do not participate in biomedical research, and certainly have limited (or no) publications. I wonder, how is it that the USD SOM faculty will teach these subjects, when they themselves have NO experience? I assure you that the students have no background or experience in this extremely important area of medicine!

Not long ago, the standard though-pattern of medical science was that following a heart attack, that the cardiomyocytes and associated cardiac tissue was permanently damaged and could not regenerate. Today (and only a short time from previous thought patterns), we know that cardiomyocytes and associated tissues do have the capability of regenerating and in some cases can be replaced with mesenchymal stem cell therapies. I wonder (though we all know the answer) to what level does the USD SOM faculty know these fundamentally groundbreaking discoveries?

My argument stands strong and focused -- the faculty (especially the PhDs and MS) at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine are just not qualified to hold the positions that they hold and they are certainly not qualified to sit on an Admissions Committee.

South Dakota, it is time, stand-up and demand that the Governor and the State Legislature upholds the mission set-out by the Citizens of South Dakota concerning this Medical School. South Dakota is being robbed and this is something we cannot afford!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Setting The Record Straight

I am always fascinated by people who say/do one thing and then thirty seconds later (or even sometimes while they are saying "it") are doing just the opposite. This is the case with Shawn Vuong. In response to our exposing-of his antics, he sends out an message trying to draw a truce from South Dakota's Medicine. In fact, Shawn goes as far as offering to meet-up for dinner an discussing the issues raised on this blog. At the same time as requesting a cease fire, Shawn goes as far as posting on his other website a commentary about me and this website saying that he is not going to discuss the contents of this web-blog and further claims that the content of this web-log is nothing more than "[an] incredible amount of lies, name-calling, and childish antics." Of course, Shawn is welcome to his opinions, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution provides this opportunity for/to him. On the flip-side, there is nothing about the content of this website based on lies. We have simply pointed out the facts of the situation. Anyone is welcome to comment on anything that they believe is a lie and I will respond in kind.

As for meeting-up with Shawn, I would be happy to do so, but I do not see how that will solve or add-to the mission of this group. We have already engaged the South Dakota State Legislature and are working for radical change within the make-up of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine.

I find it amazing that an individual (like Shawn Vuong) was admitted to a medical school that has a State Constitutional Mandate focusing the educational requirements of the admitted students into the areas of family practice/rural medicine (see our earlier post for the exact reference to the mandate), but then makes open claims that he intends to most likely specialize in neurology (or similar sub-specialty) and that he has no interest (or intention) to practice in primary care medicine. In fact, in one of his personal web-entries, Shawn claims :

"...The truth is the current physicians know [primary care medicine] falling apart, and they have been telling us students to stay far far away. Doctors comment (whether in person or on blogs) about the unhappiness in their respective fields, low reimbursement rates after high debt accumulation from school, shrinking scope of practice, decreasing respect, increasing pressure to see more patients faster than ever before, decreasing amount of independence and autonomy, and no political help in sight ... So, smart medical students are doing only what they can, dodging primary care. Even the practicing physicians aren't so sure they want to hang around any more."

Amazing, maybe it is time that the Admissions Committee goes back and reads Shawn's Secondary Essay
where the questions focus on the mission of the Medical School.

The questions composing the Secondary Application from the University of South Dakota School of Medicine are as follows:

1. Given the mission of this school, please justify why you should be accepted for admittance.

2. Describe the type of medical practice you envision for yourself in 10 to 15 years.

3. Describe how your experiences in health care or social care activities will help you become oa good physician.

4. Breifly describe a crisis situation in your life, how you have worked through thte crisis, and what you learned from this experience.

5. What are your career plans in the event that you are not admitted to a medical school: a) this year, b) afer several applications.

I wonder how Shawn and the 75% of the "other" USD students that did not/do not abide by the mission statement of this school answered these questions?

In short, this weblog has been nothing but fair, truthful and balanced. We have provided valuable information to the State of South Dakota and anyone has the opportunity to respond to the comments and postings of this website. I would be happy to personally meet with anyone concerned about these issues and extend invitations to all, however, since I spend a potion of the year at my home in Pacific Grove (Monterey, CA) you will need to arrange your own travel.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The History of Medicine

So, in my entry of calling-out Shawn Vuong, who is now claiming not to be the individual posting inappropriate comments on this web-blog (sorry, but we have multiple MAC and IP addresses that link you to the comments ... and someone in your class gave you up), this individual claims that he is just ignorant in many of his postings and thought ideas. Well, I am sorry, but this excuse just does not work for me. Maybe, we should forgive the atrocities of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, because they were just learning and ignorant. The most appalling statement comes from Shawn's rationalization of his statements: that he is young and a first year medical student and that he is just asking people to teach him other ways. Sorry, this excuse is just bullshit (sorry for the language, but it fits that circumstance)!

The purpose of this weblog was simply to make change in a system that has compounding examples of unqualified individuals making serious decisions that ultimately affect the Citizens of South Dakota. Anyone was welcome to post a comment in response to a blog entry, however, Shawn abused this policy (going as far as cloning my name - Gerry Gilbertson, MD, JD) and then went as far as making beligerant posts.

Shawn is confident that his posts on this website (South Dakota's Medicine) will not result in academic harm to his position within the USD School of Medicine ... I would not be so sure of that Shawn. We are exposing your website and there is no need to go back and erase past postings and comments as we have already imaged your entire weblog (again, it is so nice to have friends and colleagues at the senior management level at Google). We are certain that the NPs and the RNs within greater SD are going to be so glad when they get to work with you. My predicition ... you drop out of medical school by third year!

Just one of many stupid statements (blog entries) by Shawn Vuong:

Are people really this stupid? Most people believe in their little voodoo medicines for a while. Magnet therapies, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, therapeutic touch, or even chiropractic care will have it's placebo effects work out for a while. But there comes a time in every sick person's life that they realize "hey, this crap isn't really physiologically based and I need to see a real doctor." But obviously these parents were just too...(brainwashed, dumb, gullible) I don't even know what the word is, but it makes me sick.

Shawn, maybe it is time for you to learn that people have the legal right to choose what is best for them in terms of health care management. As a physician, we have the obligation to present what we think is the best course of action for an individual, but at no time do we have the legal right to impose a course of treatment. Patients have the right to obtain as many medical opinions as they so choose and in most cases there is physician-to-physician disagreement. I do not consider medical practices such as acupuncture, chiropractic therapy, homeoptahy (etc...) as "voodoo medicines." In fact, western medicine has become too dependent on chemically synthesized medicines. As a near twenty year biomedical scientist, I can tell you of countless instances where patients underwent a standard-of-care treatment regimen, it failed, turned to other methods and are disease free. The body has an amazing ability to heal (or regenerate) itself ... sometimes as physicians we need to back-off aggressive therapies and listen to our patients ... in the end, it is always their choice!

"Western medicine" is less than 100 years old. Until the early decade of the 1900s, a physician was commonly trained by shadowing (1-3 years) an MD, investing about $100 in his (and sometimes her) medical bag, and going out into the community a hanging up a shingle. Heavy metals and laudnum were common prescriptions ... didn't matter if you had cancer or a tooth ache. People were probably sicker after visiting the physican than prior to walking through the front-door. On the other hand, American Indians, Chinese and other medical forms have had significant "healing powers" for centuries (eons in China).

A physicians primary duties are to concentrate on healing the mind, body and soul ... one division is not independent of the other. Poping pill-after-pill usually does not get the job done!

Morphine, CsA, Rapa, FK506 ... are all wonderful "drugs" and all "discovered" by indegenous peoples centuries ago.

The History of Medicine is an awesome subject ... take a course (or 10) and you might learn something.

Back To A Familiar Topic

As has been the mission of this blog from its inception we are continuing on the subject of whether or not the faculty composing the Admissions Committee of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine are qualified to maintain their positions. As you are completely aware, it is our opinion that individuals such as Paul Bunger and Ann Settles (just to name two) are just not qualified to be members of this admissions committee. In a counter-argument to our position it has been noted and claimed that Bunger's qualifications are stemmed from a basis of:

"Bunger is more than qualified, earning his PhD from the University of Nebraska (1974) and that the students adore him." And, the "Ann Settles is well liked by the students and has earned numerous teaching awards." One objective claim was based on the fact that Ms. Settles is the widow of a former USD professor who earned a PhD in Anatomy and as such this made her qualified to both teach and be a member of the USD School of Medicine Admissions Committee. Of course, we say these counter-arguments are elementary and hog-wash!

To the best of our knowledge, Paul Bunger has no training in higher education academia nor in business management, psychology, or education. How about a EdD? Not Paul Bunger. Let just face the facts. Bunger is just someone who earned a PhD and found out really quick that he was not and is not a competent scientist. His publications are nearly non-existant and his research funding ... well ... it just does not exist!

As for Ann Settles, where are these teaching awards that some speak so profoundly about? My guess, they just do not exist, or if they do exist, they are internal teaching awards, but nothing bestowed by a national accreditating organization.

The short story, people like Bunger and Settles have dug themselves in at USD, and in thirty years have done nothing with their careers. Bunger worked under the tutalage of Settles deceased husband ... the inbreeding is just inexcusable!

Maybe, just maybe, the Citizens of South Dakota will wake-up and realize the little country club that is being operated on tax payers dollars at this institution. We have the attention of several State Representatives and State Senators ... change is coming!

Of course, people like Settles and Bunger are certainly welcome to make a defensive argument at any time ... they will be given full access to post (without edits).

Big Mouth and Nothing of Substance to Back-it-Up

Now that we have exposed Shawn and his insanity (especially if you read his comments .. both on this website and his own website), lets go a little further.

Shawn Vuong: from Hartford, South Dakota, Graduated in 2004 from West Central H.S., and earned a Bachelors of Science-Biology from the University of South Dakota.

Shawn, word of caution, do not "mess" with people who have access to the keys of information.

I personally have near twenty years of expertise in gathering "information;" about the same number of years spent in biomedicine. My expertise is unquestionable, a lesson you should learn quickly!

Let's talk a little more on Shawn's personal views (excerpts from his web blog) in an up-coming entry. Topics include Shawn's views on Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners, homeopathy and other traditional forms of medicine, chiropractors, etc. I think you will be shocked (and amazed) that someone like Shawn was admitted to "our" medical school. I would bet that he is one of the individuals with the < 3.0 GPA and 5s on the MCAT .... yeap USD actually admitted several students with these "credentials." Of course, Shawn can refute these claims by simply posting his USD Certified Transcript and AMCAS Certified MCAT scores on this website or his own personal blog website.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Identity of a Troll

Hi All,

For all my normal readers of this blog, I would like to take a moment to share the name and e-mail address of the individual who has been posting inappropriate messages to this blog site.

Name : Shawn Vuong

e-mail: Shawn.Vuong@usd.edu

blog: http://medicallymindnumbing.blogspot.com

We will be posting the University of South Dakota Student Ethics Policies in an upcoming entry. A formal complaint, along with copies of all Shawn's inappropriate messages are being assembled and will be forwarded to both the Dean of the Medical School and the President of the USD.

I am certain that Shawn's first year medical student status will soon be in jeopardy. As for a physician, this kid would not be allowed to come near me or my family ... not even with a 10 foot pole. Clearly, Shawn has some deep-seeded emotional problems that he might want to take care of;; quickly.

If you would like to follow some of Shawn's other crazy musings, you can visit his blogsite at:


In particular ... check out Shawn's opinions on Nurse Practitioners.

Please feel free to contact Shawn and let him know of your displeasure in his demeanor and approaches to conflict.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another Tragedy

A recent e-mail from a blog reader:

sorry for the delay, I've currently been busy figuring out what I'm
going to do next year. I got rejected from USD a couple of weeks ago
and am deciding between some DO programs. I was working in one of the
labs here at USD so it was a little disappointing.

I admit I hadn't thought about the USD admissions committee until your
blog. However I have always wondered about why certain people get the
right to decide who our future doctors will be.

Before I came back to USD I had graduated with a 3.7 and got a 29 on my mcat.

So that's basically my story. How about you? What inspired you to
speak out? You've definitely attracted some attention and have
handled them well.

Once again, an individual rejected by this Admissions Committee. It seems odd that someone with such good scores was rejected, but yet, the Admissions Committee offered positions to several people with 2.5 GPAs and 5s on the MCAT. Most likely, a relative of someone on the Admissions Committee (yeap ... the subject of our next post ... the sons/daughters of the Admissions Committee that were admitted).

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lacking Expertise In So Many Areas

Over the past few months of research (this is a new concept for many of the USD faculty) and digging deeper-and-deeper into the University of South Dakota School of Medicine faculty make-up, I am shocked (okay, not really shocked) at the fact that not one member of the School of Medicine has any training in public health. My questions become, how is this an effective faculty to teach “medicine?”

What is a physician and what does it mean to practice medicine? Is a physician (and medicine) not a public health servant? Shouldn’t a physician be well-versed in the practice of public health? Do you think it is more important for a physician to be more literate in the science of public health than industrial organic chemistry? These (and many more) questions keep me awake at night and terrify my outlook at the competency of the medical professionals (especially the graduates from the University of South Dakota School of Medicine) within the State of South Dakota.

How is it possible that a medical school faculty is void of public health professionals? I am baffled. For reference, take a look at the qualifications and the enormous number of course offerings provided by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health (http://www.sph.umn.edu). The UMN SPH has consistently rated in the top five graduate schools for public health … usually battling head-to-head with Harvard in the national rankings! I would argue that the SPH at the UMN offers more courses than any other department within the University. Maybe, South Dakota should take a lesson from Minnesota. And, maybe the faculty of the University of South Dakota should step-down from their high-horses and go back to school and earn a MPH/MS in Public Health.

Public Health is not the only area of expertise lacking at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine. I am equally amazed that there is no one on the faculty qualified to teach in the areas of Human Nutrition or Kinesiology. Again, I refer you back to the question of what is a physician?

In a recent report, F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America, 2008 report
from the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, South Dakota was indicated as the 20th most obese State in the Union and ranks in the top ten (# 7) in the Nation for Type II Diabetes. In fact, in 2007-2008 the incidence rate for new Type II Diabetes diagnosis increased by 181% compared to previous periods of analysis. These numbers are alarming and unacceptable. However, there is no surprise that the health levels of South Dakota are in such dismal conditions considering the lack of professional education being provided by the University of South Dakota School of Medicine.

To be fair, the faculty of the USD SOM are not fully responsible for this health crisis, but there is no doubt that a major burden has to fall on he shoulders of the USD Administration and the Faculty of the USD. When you have a Medical School that does not have a faculty trained in the methods of Public Health (or Nutrition) it is hard, maybe impossible, to train the future physicians in the science of Public Health practice. Epidemiology is the study of disease and disease progression … not one member of the School of Medicine (or the USD for that matter) has any training in this most important study.

To the best of my knowledge, not one new biomedical therapy, not one single new drug, not one single significant contribution to the fields of medicine have been generated by the University of South Dakota School of Medicine faculty. What is it that these people are experts at? A majority of the faculty do not have research appointments or funding. The faculty are certainly not publishing. Where is their expertise?

This post focuses on the significant short-comings of both the University of South Dakota School of Medicine and its infrastructure and the qualifications of the appointed faculty within the School of Medicine. Our nation is sick, there are few public health professionals that would disagree with me on this subject. Our medical costs are some of the highest in the world (and by most reports the USA spends that greatest amount on health care), but our intervention is some of the poorest on a dollar-by-dollar analysis. Disease such as type II diabetes and obesity are (for the most part) completely preventable with an appropriate public health initiative. However, when our public health professionals are not trained in the methodologies of public health practice, we as the public have little hope in quality and effective therapies.

Over the past few years, several students have applied to the USD School of Medicine with graduate training (either with earned Masters of Science or Masters of Public Health) in Public Health and were subsequently denied admission into the medical school. How is this possible? Clearly, these are students with advanced expertise in the fields of medicine and are far more qualified than the faculty or a majority of the applicants. Decisions such as these make me question the competency of the USD School of Medicine Admissions Committee on a far greater scale. Blunders such as this are unacceptable at any level.

Why is it that no one from the South Dakota State Health Department sits on the University of South Dakota School of Medicine Admissions Committee?

South Dakota, it is time for us to stand-up and take-back control of our medical school. This is our medical school our health depends on a competent medical school. Pick-up your telephones, engage your e-mail, or send a letter via US Postal Service to your elected representatives and your Governor and DEMAND action!

Hitting a Nerve with the Unversity of South Dakota School of Medicine Faculty

I understand that this blog is really irritating the University of South Dakota faculty and administration. Recently, the USD attempted to shut-down this blog with threats to eBlogger and its parent company Google (its nice when one has friends who work for the internet giant). Maybe, the USD administration should take some advice from its law school faculty on the premise and gurantees of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The USD administration has went as far as making claims about defamation of character; again, learn the premise of the law before "you" make such claims. To help "you" out, I'll just guide you on a short outline of of the principles of defamation. To prevail on a defamation claim you must prove: (1) that the statements made are false, (2) that the statements were made to a third party, (3)the statements were made with intent to harm you or your reputation. Since ALL faculty (and administration) at the USD are "public figures," the burden of proving actual malice must be demonstrated.

Okay, so there is my $200K legal lesson to the USD. The facts of this blog stand strong. A majority of the faculty of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine are just not qualified to hold a position within a medical school ... this is certainly true for the PhD level individuals.

South Dakota its your move!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where are the Epidemiologists?

With the recent (over-blown) media-scare of H1N1 (i.e., Swine Flu), I began thinking about the qualifications of the faculty of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine as they relate to public health. As has been a consistent issue addressed by this blog, not one single member of the USD SOM has training (not even peripherally) in Public Health nor Epidemiology. To go even further, not one member of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine has any formal training in medical microbiology or infectious disease. With this in mind, I began to wonder and think about the qualifications of these "so-called" experts. I wonder, how it is possible, that a medical school faculty can be composed of individuals who have absolutely no expertise in the basics of halth care, and still consider "themselves" a school of medicine. Not one member of this faculty holds a Masters of Public Health (i.e., MPH), not one member has formal training in Infectious Disease, not one member has even a basic background (let alone formal training) in Epidemiology or Biostatistics.

South Dakota, are we immune from the threats of global health? South Dakota shouldn't we expect more?

These fields of study are of primary importance to the education of community health primary care physicians. Public health is our first line of defense and of essential importance. To have a School of Medicine faculty composure that is so grossly unqualified is embarassing!

South Dakota ... stand up ... lets make a change ... we deserve better!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Blunders Galore

While I was reading the article -- Suspect in Craig[s]list killing off the street (http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/view.bg?articleid=1166939&pos=breaking) -- I could not help but to reflect on some of the comments posted on this blog by University of South Dakota School of Medicine students, faculty and peripheral staff. One South Dakota physician (who I have agreed not to name)argued that the medical school applicant decision process is by no means perfect, but that he felt that the positive decisions outweighed the negative decisions. Part of his argument stressed the importance and the relevance of a one-on-one interview to "weed-out" potential applicants. Other students have commented on their perceived importance of the interview portion of the application procedure. As I was thinking about these comments, I am beginning to wonder how an individual like Philip H Markoff (age: 22), a second year medical student, gained admission to Boston University School of Medicine? Of course, the motto of innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law applies in this (and all) cases.

Okay, before everyone blasts me on how this relates to the University of South Dakota School of Medicine, let me take a few lines to extrapolate the data line. In a quick Google search on the University of South Dakota School of Medicine there are a few ooppss hits that point to the poor judgements made by the "admissions committee." One particular embarassment surrounds a 4th year medical student at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine who removed confidential medical records from the hospital (a violation of HIPAA in itself) and then threw the records away in a public dumpster (a serious violation of HIPAA). Just happens that a reporter witnessed the event and blew-the-story wide-open.

"Documents referring to over 125 psychiatric patients of Rapid City Regional Hospital were found in a convenience store trashcan by an editor of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. A University of South Dakota fourth year medical student had taken papers outside of the hospital and dumped them in the trash. The documents included lists of patients in the psychiatric unit and their diagnoses along with the student's handwritten notes about some of the patients. The University's faculty committee will be recommending discipline for the student. (C. Brokaw, "S. Dakota Investigates Psych Records," Associated Press, December 30, 2001)"

Source: http://er.hipaaps.com/examples.html

Another blunder by the admissions commitee was played-out on the admission of Mr. Michael Swango into a University of South Dakota residency program. Mr. Swango "served two years in prison for feeding ant poison to six paramedics in Illinois in 1985." This individual was admiteed into the University of South Dakota School of Medicine residency program in July 1992 and dismissed in February 1993 (way to go on that one Paul Bunger!).

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/27/nyregion/medical-schools-alerted-about-intern-with-a-prison-record.html

There have been a number of people who have sent very negative e-mails to me with regard to this blog ... some of them from students and some from USD faculty (we have your IP addresses). On the flip-side, there have been more positive e-mails than negative e-mails ... but I digress. The faculty of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine have "argued" that they have performed a stellar service to the Citizens of South Dakota. In fact, many of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine Admissions Committee members are simply NOT qualified to sit in either their academic positions or on the decision making end of the medical school spectrum. Here are two specific cases where the admissions committee has made serious errors in judgement ... I wonder how many more errors are out there, and how many cover-ups the USD School of Medicine has made to date and will make in the future?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

With Salaries Like This Who Needs Enemies

The story behind the Faculty of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine becomes more and more interesting with each new day. As this blog has laid-out, the qualifications of a majority of the faculty members on the School of Medicine Admissions Committee are simply NOT qualified to sit and decide on the applicants to the School of Medicine. Many of the applicants to the MD program have far superior academic qualifications than the Faculty. We have taken a fresh look at the Faculty and are exposing for the first time to the general public the salaries each of these individuals are receiving from the Citizens of the State of South Dakota. We think you will be shocked!

According to the State of South Dakota (http://www.state.sd.us/factpage.htm) the estimated annual salary in South Dakota is approximately $28,444 (c.2005). The average K-12 teacher has an annual salary of ~ $34,040. However, the average PhD faculty member within the BioSciences Department at the University of South Dakota makes an ALARMING salary of ~ $102,247 (+/- SD = $39,123.66) and the average salary of a faculty member with a Masters of Science degree rakes in ~ $66,958 (+/- SD = $1,675.21). In comparison to South Dakota State University, the average PhD salary for the BioSciences Department is ~ $84,863.61 (+/- SD = $19,339.03) and for the Masters of Science the average annual salary is ~ $43,472.71 (+/- SD = $4,591.27).

At first glance you might believe that these salaries are in-line with national averages ... but they are not. The US National average for a PhD in the "biosciences" is ~ $77,000 annually (http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Degree=Doctorate_(PhD)/Salary). What is more amazing, a MAJORITY of the University of South Dakota "biosciences" faculty DO NOT have research funding and MOST have not published a single peer-reviewed (novel) research manuscript in 5+ years. I guess the old academic addage of "publish or perish" is not adhered to at the USD.

Below is a listing of the "biosciences" faculty of the University of South Dakota, the institutes that granted their PhDs (or MS), their individual appointment classificiations at the USD, and their salaries. You can view each individial at the USD website:


University of South Dakota "BioSciences"

Stephen Armstrong PhD University of Pennsylvania Associate Professor
Daniel Bird PhD Instructor $61,000
Brian Burrell PhD Ohio State University Assistant Professor $67,704
Maureen Burton PhD Instructor
Gudiseva Chandrasekher PhD University of Mysore, India Associate Professor $88,000
Subhash Chauhan PhD Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India Assistant Professor
Michael Chaussee PhD University of Oklahoma Assistant Professor $86,940
Kristi England PhD University of Iowa Assistant Professor
Adhar C. Manna PhD Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Assistant Professor $80,050.00
Pasquale Manzerra PhD University of Toronto Assistant Professor $67,567
Douglas Martin PhD University of Saskatchewan Professor $110,545
Robin Miskimins PhD University of Arizona Professor $129,661
W. Keith Miskimins PhD University of Arizona Professor
Robert Morecraft PhD University of Iowa Professor $107,748
Daniel Neufeld PhD Tulane University Professor $98,885
Timoth O'Connell PhD University of Michigan Assistant Professor
William Percy PhD University of Aberdeen, Scotland Associate Professor $76,788
Alexander Erkins PhD St. Petersburg State University, Russia Assistant Professor
Kathleen Eyster PhD University of Arizona Professor $118,416
Gina Forster PhD Macquarie University, Australia Assistant Professor $76,270
A. Martin Gerdes PhD University of Texas Professor
Barbara Goodman PhD University of Minnesota Professor $92,234
Victor Huber PhD Medical College of Ohio Assistant Professor $72,500
Meena Jaggi PhD Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India Assistant Professor
Joyce Keifer PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor $114,307
Curtis Kost Jr PhD Vanderbilt University Associate Professor $75,685
Yi-Fan Li PhD Beijing Medical University, China Assistant Professor $69,935
Qiangrong Liang PhD University of North Dakota Assistant Professor
Ronald Lindahl PhD Wayne State University Professor $220,379
Patrick Ronan PhD University of South Dakota Assistant Professor
Evelyn Schlenker PhD SUNY Buffalo Professor $117,701
Carlos Telleria PhD University of San Luis, Argentina Associate Professor $82,548
John Thomas PhD University of Illinois Professor
Barry Timms PhD University of Wales, U.K Professor $106,149
Steven Waller PhD University of Maryland Associate Professor $149,008
Xuejun Wang PhD The University of South Dakota Professor $201,768
Michael Watt PhD Macquarie University, Australia Assistant Professor $52,199
Keith Weaver PhD University of Texas Professor $116,040
Da-Qing Yang PhD Kansas State University Assistant Professor
Gerald Yutrzenka PhD University of North Dakota Associate Professor $92,828
Paul Bunger PhD University of Nebraska Associate Professor/Dean of SOM Admissions $130,053

Masters Faculty
Scott Druecker Instructor $65,558
Jane Gavin Instructor $66,502
Ann Settles MS Instructor $68,814

For comparison the salaries of the SDSU "biosciences" faculty are also listed:

South Dakota State University "BioSciences"

PhD Faculty
Auger, Donald PhD University of North Dakota Assistant Professor $78,483.00
Bleakley, Bruce H. PhD University of Florida Associate Professor $80,482.00
Brözel, Volker PhD Microbiology, University of Pretoria, South Africa $85,548.00
Bucking, Heike PhD Professor $72,923.00
Cheesbrough, Thomas PhD Purdue University Professor/Chairperson/Dept Head $110,484.00
Cochrane, Mark PhD $110,258.00
Dieter, Chuck PhD South Dakota State University Assistant Professor $76,492.00
Erickson, Alan K. PhD North Dakota State University Associate Professor $83,010.00
Gibbons, Bill PhD South Dakota State University, Brookings Professor $106,982.00
Gibson, Susan A. PhD University of Oklahoma Associate Professor $68,791.00
Gilmanov, Tagir PhD Moscow State University Assistant Professor $56,413.00
Granholm, Nels H. PhD Iowa State University Professor $98,879.00
Hardwidge, Philip PhD Mayo Clinic
Henebry, Geoffrey PhD Professor $110,455.00
Hildreth, Michael B. PhD Tulane Professor $100,476.00
Johnston, Carol A. PhD University of Wisconsin Professor $115,029.00
Kaushik, Radhey PhD University of Saskatchewan, Ca Assistant Professor $76,405.00
Kayongo-Male, Henry PhD Michigan State University Professor $80,000.00
Krueger, Jerome PhD U. of Minnesota Professor $60,080.00
Larson, Gary E. PhD North Dakota State University. Professor $82,653.00
Li, Feng PhD Associate Professor $99,082.00
Pedersen, Scott PhD University of Nebraska Assistant Professor $67,656.00
Reese, Neil R. PhD University of Idaho Professor
Ruffolo, John J. University of Iowa Associate Dean/Professor $122,686.00
Sutton, Fedora PhD Howard University College of Medicine Professor $76,567.00
Troelstrup, Nels H., JR. PhD University of Minnesota Associate Professor $99,210.00
Wake, Carol PhD SDSU Assistant Professor $67,525.00
Wang, Xiuqing PhD University of Connecticut $79,910.00
Warren, Randall PhD Indiana University $40,394.00
West,Thomas P PhD Texas A&M Professor $93,775.00
Xu, Lan PhD NDSU Assistant Professor $57,739.00
Yen, Yang PhD University of Missouri-Colombia Associate Professor $81,666.00
Young, Alan PhD University of Toronto, Toronto Ontario Canada Assistant Professor $90,719.00
Zhou, Ruanbao

Masters Faculty
Braun, Lyle MS M.S. - South Dakota State University Instructor $45,150.00
Ellis, Andy MS M.S.- Biology, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. Instructor $37,642.00
Heiberger, Greg MS SDSU Coordinator and Advisor for Pre-Health Professionals $41,484.00
Hill, Kendra M. MS Johns Hopkins University Instructor $49,263.00
Ladonski, James MS Southern Illinois University $37,900.00
Lenertz, Kristen MS Auburn University
McCutcheon, Terry MS Murray State University Instructor $47,773.00
Willgohs, Joann A. MS SDSU Instructor $45,097.00

For emphasis it is important to note that the

Dean/VP of Health Affairs at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine receives an annual salary of $379,600.00 plus his clinical salary.

The President of the USD has an annual salary of $321,360.00

The Governor of South Dakota has an annual salary of $115,331.00

All salaries can be verified at: http://www.open.sd.gov/

An important note, (2) of the USD faculty claim to have MD degrees, however, neither individual is licensed as an MD in the State of South Dakota and neither individual has ever had a license to practice medicine in the USA. Both individuals earned an MD from China. Claiming an MD in South Dakota without a medical license is a Violation of the State of South Dakota Constitution.

South Dakota it is time to stand up and demand a higher level of excellence from the USD School of Medicine. We are paying for it!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When the Bums Cannot do the Job -- Fire Them!

Is it possible that the Admissions Committee and the Faculty of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine are oblivious to the reality of the numbers? Can "they" be this obtuse? Or, are "they" just incompetent? You know my answer!

As you will read from the previous entry -- The Residency Numbers Do Not Lie -- it is clear that the PRIMARY mission of the USD School of Medicine is to educate and promote (encourage) the entry of graduating medical students into FAMILY PRACTICE (as mandated by the State of South Dakota Legislature). Reviewing the recently released 2008 National Resident Matching Program (http://www.nrmp.org), the State of South Dakota had 16 openings for Family Practice residency positions, however, only 12/16 (75%) positions were filled. More amazing, of the 12 positions, only 8 were from 2008 graduating medical students (only 5/8 were graduates of the USD School of Medicine). More interestingly, of the 12 students entering into Family Practice 2/12 were international "educated" students, of which, one is NOT a US citizen.

If the above numbers don't alarm you the following should scare you to death. Of the 16 Family Practice residencies offered in the State of South Dakota (8 in Sioux Falls and 8 in Rapid City), all 8 residency positions were filled in Sioux Falls (which has no shortage of physicians), however, only 4/8 Rapid City Family Practice positions were filled! You might be inclined to believe that these were isolated events, but you would be incorrect. In 2007, 1/8 (6.25%) Family Pratice residency were filled in Rapid City and only 4/8 (25%) Family Practice residencies were filled in Sioux Falls!

A principle tenent of this blog is to bring the FACTS of the overall POOR and DISMAL job being performed by the University of South Dakota School of Medicine Admissions Committee (headed by Dean Paul Bunger) and associated Faculty. This blog has exposed the reality of the situation and the embarassing performance by this administration. The University is MANDATED by the Citizens of South Dakota to educate medical students to perform in the arena of Family Practice ... and I would strongly argue that the performance is WELL BELOW acceptable! In fact, the perfomrance of the medical school admissions committee is an absolute FAILURE.

This blog has argued that several members of the Rapid City area (or areas west of the Missouri River) should be on the Admissions Committe of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine. Currently (and for as far back as we can find records), NOT ONE MEMBER of the admissions committee resides outside the immediate areas of Sioux Falls/Vermillion.

The Faculty of the Admissions Committee (especially the PhDs) are simply UNQUALIFIED to sit on this committee. South Dakota, Stand Up and take action! Demand that the Governor upholds the Constitution of the State of South Dakota! If change is not enacted ... FIRE THE BUMS! The members of the USD are PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ... THEY WORK FOR US ... IF THEY CANNOT PERFORM WE CAN FIRE THEM! If the Governor does not take action we need to recall him, if your State Legislator does not take action, recall them!

The health of the Citizens of SD is in clear jeopardy!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Residency Numbers Do Not Lie

Unlike the Admissions Committee and the Administration of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine, I have taken the time to read and analyze the Mission Statement (mandated by the State of South Dakota Legislature) of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine.

The mission of the Sanford School of Medicine of the University of South Dakota is to provide the opportunity for South Dakota residents to receive a quality, broad-based medical education with an emphasis on family practice. The curriculum is to be established to encourage graduates to serve people living in the medically underserved areas of South Dakota, and is to require excellence in the basic sciences and in all clinical disciplines.
The Sanford School of Medicine of the University of South Dakota is to provide to its students and to the people of South Dakota excellence in education, research and service. To these ends, the School is to provide educational pathways leading to both the Doctor of Medicine and the Doctor of Philosophy Degrees; and Quality health care for the people of South Dakota is addressed by undergraduate, graduate and continuing educational programs as well as by basic and applied medical research. The School of Medicine should serve as a technical resource in the development of health care policy in the state and provide extension and research initiatives to improve the health care of the citizens of the state.

And I have become amazed at the levels of deviation that have occurred in the completion of the education mission mandated to this school. As we have already discussed in earlier posts the qualifications of the School of Medicine faculty are dismal. In fact, I would go as far as saying that a majority of the School of Medicine (PhD) faculty are UNQUALIFIED to sit in their academic positions (Prof. Schlenker is excluded).

This faculty has FAILED in its primary mission to educate and guarantee that Family Practice physicians are educated and return to South Dakota, especially areas of SD that are medically under-served. Analysis of the residency positions of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine graduates confirms that ONLY 24% of total graduates (years 2000-2009) have placed into Family Practice/Pediatrics residencies (121/500 students). If the analysis excludes Pediatrics from the calculation then the Family Practice disposition becomes a dismal ~ 12%. By no means is the State of South Dakota or the Citizens of South Dakota being effectively served by this medical school.

The faculty do not meet the mandate of excellence in the basic sciences nor do they approach the mandate of excellence in research. In short, this faculty is UNQUALIFIED to make the decisions they are charged with!

It is time for the Citizens of South Dakota to contact their State Legislators and DEMAND that oversight is implemented into the USD School of Medicine. South Dakota is in a HEALTH CARE CRISIS ... As bad as it gets ... And it is time that WE hold the administration of this university responsible to the principles that WE AS SOUTH DAKOTANS commanded our State Legislature to enact and our Governor to UPHOLD. The abhorred state of our State's medical crisis lies directly on the shoulders of this medical school and those administrators charged with the responsibilities of safe-guarding our medical care. STAND UP South Dakota and lets TAKE BACK OUR Medical School!

The Administration of the University of South Dakota is getting Irritated with this Blog!

It would seem that the Administration of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine has become irritated with this fact-telling and exposing blog. Recently, we received an e-mail from the South Dakota Medical Association (Ms. Barb Smith) claiming Trademark infringement for the title of the blog and the URL. It is clear that the USD Medical School is trying to do everything possible to pull-down this blog-site. The amazing thing, the blog has not infringed on any Trademark of the SDMA and it is possible that the registered Trademark of the SDMA might possibly infringe on the URL owners of http://www.southdakotamedicine.com, which is a database listing of South Dakota medical services.

It seems odd that the Administration would go to such a length to try and find a non-existant infringement to remove the contents of this blog. Anyone is welcome to comment on the issues and commentary of this blog ... I have given exclusive priority to any USD School of Medicine Faculty Member to comment or justify their positions (or any USD faculty member for this matter). Also, all students are welcome to post relevant comments. Of course, all comments (faculty or otherwise) will be first moderated before being posted and any obscene comments will be removed.

Why is it that this blog is catching so much attention, but no one from the USD School of Medicine cares to comment? Could it be that this blog is hitting-the-nail-on-the-head and the Administration is embarassed by the sham "they" are running?

The comment lines are open ... care to respond?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

MD/PhD Program and not a Qualified Soul to be Found

As I am digging deeper and deeper into the procedures of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine and the lack of qualifications for the Admissions Committee, I am beginning to wonder how these people are qualified to admit students into the USD SSOM MD/PhD program.

For those not familiar with the MD/PhD program this is a combined degree that has the intentions of training individuals in both medical sciences and basic sciences, with the ultimate hope that an MD/PhD will concentrate his/her career not necessarily in the physical practice of medicine, but the research and application of medical techniques and development. Typically, the MD/PhD is an eight year adventure where the admitted student complete his/her first two years of medical school then focuses on the PhD aspects, and then completes years seven and eight of his/her studies completing years three and four of the MD program. In the end, the MD/PhD student is required to assemble and defend a PhD thesis based on novel hypothesis driven research.

As we have seen, a MAJORITY of the PhD members of the USD Basic/Biomedical Sciences departments have MINIMAL (at best) publications and relatively ZERO levels of funding. My questions become, again, how on earth are these faculty members qualified to mentor a student in such a program? To the best of our knowledge not one member of the USD SSOM has an earned MD/PhD and is licensed to practice medicine.

This University has SERIOUS issues and is fraudulently displaying its so-called credentials to the people, the citizens, of South Dakota. How are these faculty qualified ... what a question!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Minimalist Credentials and an Appointment?

I am becoming more and more confused on the appointment(s) of most members of the University of South Dakota medical school admissions committee. Continuing with my pledge to expose the unqualified nature of this committee, the publications of Ms. Ann Settles are outlined below. As you can see there is not much to report. To qualify as a publication, the manuscript must be peer-reviewed and available through PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez).

As you will remember, Ms. Settles holds a Masters of Science degree. In an earlier post, it was suggested by a current University of South Dakota School of Medicine first year medical student that Ms. Settles was qualified because her husband (sadly deceased) earned a PhD. My wife is a vascular surgeon; does this uniquely qualify me to perform surgical procedures?

Ann Settles MS, Instructor, University of South Dakota School of Medicine

Publications: ZERO

First Author: ZERO

Senior Author: ZERO

I do not even know how to comment on the appointment of an individual who has not contributed one novel, hypothesis driven, peer-reviewed publication in her entire career. How is this individual qualified to: (1) be appointed as a member of the “faculty” within the School of Medicine, (2) appointed to the Admissions Committee of the SOM? Apparently, minimum qualifications are neither required nor observed at the University of South Dakota.

In short, this individual is NOT QUALIFIED to sit in a position of decision-making for applicants, especially considering her LACK OF credentials and the fact that many applicants have vastly superior credentials and academic degrees.

It is time for the South Dakota Legislature and the President of the University of South Dakota to act and remove this committee!

Of course, if we have reported any errors on Ms. Settles credentials, she is certainly open to e-mail me (gerry.gilbertson@yahoo.com) and provide links to peer-reviewed published articles.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Dean Without Credentials

The University of South Dakota School of Medicine’s Admissions Committee authorship listing reads like that of Letterman’s Top Ten list. So that all readers can observe the incompetence of this assembled “committee,” we are going to publish each PhD members academic publications as a single post. We won’t bother with the MD members … they have no publications of significance. To qualify as a publication, the manuscript must be peer-reviewed and available through PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez).

Paul Bunger PhD, Dean of Admissions, University of South Dakota School of Medicine:

Publications: 10

Publications as First Author: 2 (c.1981 and 1982)

Publications as Senior Author: 1 (c.1979)

From what has already been displayed in this blog, Dr. Bunger is hardly qualified to be listed as an Associate Professor, member of the Medical School Admissions Committee, or Dean of Admissions in the School of Medicine. From our analysis, it would seem that Dr. Bunger is a failure as a scientist and has been provided an “administrative” position to continue to put food on the table for his family. I wonder if these same types of people (i.e., unqualified) are not the same types of people responsible for the dismal economic conditions we are currently experiencing in the USA. Simply, we as South Dakotans MUST STEP-UP and remove these UNQUALIFIED individuals from office.

Dr. Bunger’s last peer-reviewed scientific publication was in 1999. I ask you, is this individual really considered competent to sit in such an important position? Scientifically he has contributed nothing to the scientific and medical community in over a decade. Moreover, his last publication as First Author was TWENTY-SEVEN years ago! This individual is NOT QUALIFIED to be a member of the academic faculty!

Friday, March 27, 2009

For Scientists these Individuals Sure Lack Qualifications

Howdy All,

Substantiating our claims that the current PhD faculty members (and the MS) sitting on the University of South Dakota School of Medicine are unfit for membership, we have gathered information concerning their research funding.

In general the success of a PhD scientist(s) (as those on the admissions committee claim to be) career is judged by both the scientific and academic community on the basis of two principle factors: (1) number of peer-reviewed novel & hypothesis driven research publications (usually not including review articles) and (2) funding sources. In general, categories (1) and (2) go hand in hand. We demonstrate our expertise and knowledge through public dissemination of both publications and discoveries (sometimes patents are included, but they are usually associated with cited publications). In reviewing the funding and publication histories of the PhD committee members, I think you will be shocked and amazed by their lack of both fundamental tenets of scientific success.

The two most common and certainly high dollar amount of funding sources for a typical academic research scientist are through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). In many cases, investigators have funding sources from private foundations, of course, we do not currently have that information available (though it is a public record document and we will post soon). Any mentioned PI can respond with an e-mail claiming significant funding sources and I will post once verified.

NIH and NSF funding sources were queried from the years 1990 – 2009. You can access each respective database at the following websites:

NIH = http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/crisp/crisp_query.generate_screen

NSF = http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch

Paul Bunger, Associate Professor - No NIH or NSF funding

Ann Settles, Instructor – No NIH or NSF funding

Evelyn Schlenker, Professor –
NIH: ADAPTATION RESPIRATORY PATTERN GENERATOR HYPOXIA (10 month research grant, expired May 2006), THE CNS AND HEART FAILURE (12 month research grant, expired June 2005), SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN THE CONTROL OF VENTILATION (3 year research grant, expired 1997)

Maureen Burton, Instructor – No NIH or NSF funding

John Thomas, Professor – According to USD website, not currently involved in research. No funding from either NIH or NSF.

Barry Timms, Professor – No NIH or NSF funding

Adhar Manna, Assistant Professor – No NIH or NSF funding.

David Maddox – Apparently this individual is no longer employed by USD.

Looking at the lack of accomplishments (we will post their publication records shortly), to even call some of these individuals scientists would be a stretch of the term. Their qualifications in research are limited at best, and their qualifications to sit on an admissions committee for a School of Medicine are just unacceptable.

I will make an exclusionary comment on one individual … Professor Evelyn Schlenker. Dr. Schlenker does have a publication record, not an extensive record, but at least a record far more comprehensive than her committee member colleagues.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Change in this Blog

Hi All,

We are making some critical changes to the blog. For now, please e-mail any comments to me at:


If you want, you can use any number of anonymous e-mail providers ... just do an anonymous e-mail search on Google.

The individual gerrygilbertson5@aim.com is constantly posting irrelevant materials. On multiple attempts we have asked him to stop. His posts do not bother us, but they are clogging up and distracting from other people's relevant posts. We just do not have time for his childish responses.

We have his USD IP Address and a complaint is being drafted under the Federal Computer Communications Harassment Act. This individual is jeopardizing his position at USD and we will seek full prosecution.

We hope to have the comment lines open soon ... keep in touch.

We will be firming-up and posting the radio show broadcast time and date shortly.

A Respectful Response to a Busy USD SOM Student

The following commentary was e-mailed to me. I will respect this students wishes to remain anonymous.

Mr. Gilbertson,

Issue 1: I understand and respect your concerns regarding the admissions committee for the Sanford SOM. However, I disagree with your method and some of your critiques.

Answer: Busy Student, I respect your option to disagree and I will reply in a courteous manner. By no means do I intend for all readers to agree. Contrary to popular opinion, President Barack Obama won the US Presidency by a slim margin of ~ 7% of the popular vote. To this point, approximately 50% (slightly less) of the voting public did not support the election of President Obama, but we recognize he is the Commander-in-Chief. The same principles apply to my blog and the administrative action we are taking with the South Dakota Legislature. We are simply trying to implement social and administrative change in the actions of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine.

Issue 2: As a current student of an affiliated program, I feel the need to protect my name as a student and future health care professional. I would write a comment on the blog, unfortunately google IDs for my email address include my name.

Answer: I understand and I am not asking ANY student to take a chance of faculty repercussion. When I distributed the link to this blog, I felt that it was only proper and necessary to include as many students to which e-mail addresses were publicly available. However, I do point out that as a future physician you are going to encounter numerous situations when you will have to defend your actions and action that you feel are in the best interest of your patient. My point, make your stand and if you feel you are correct, defend your position.

Any and all students of SOM are welcome to respond to this blog and are free to do so under the premise of anonymity. Please, please, please abide by the rules of the blog. Your comments must be factual. You are welcome to post your opinions (I am), but make sure you can back-up your comments with facts.

Issue 3: As I have schoolwork to do, I am unable to do as thorough an investigation as you have, so pardon my methodological flaws.

Answer: Please, please, please concentrate on your school work. Let me and my legal colleagues take action on this matter. However, by all means, feel free to take a contrary position (if you feel we are wrong) and write your legislative representative (either State or Federal). A lot of young men (mostly men) gave their lives defending the principles and freedoms of this Country and one of those freedoms is Free Speech (1st Amendment).

Issue 4: A simple google search yields your name as primarily a hospital administrator. So, I can understand your desire for QA measures being put into place.

Answer: I am not the hospital administrator to which some have referred. I am just a citizen concerned about the healthcare and well-being of my fellow South Dakotans. This system (i.e., USD SOM) is corrupt and it needs to be changed.

I have listed my background and motives in earlier posts … so I will not bore the audience in repeating. I am certain that the fake Gerry will be chiming in (and yes, I will delete his comments).

Issue 5: The reason why I am disrupting my studies tonight to respond to your blog is to speak in favor of Ms. Settles, who was frowned upon in one of your entries.

Answer: You are certainly welcome to defend Ms. Settles. To clarify, I never “frowned upon” Ms. Settles as you imply. I simply pointed out that this individual, in my opinion, is not qualified to sit in a decision making position on an MD admissions committee, regardless of what courses she teaches.

We are in the process of compiling a list of multiple public medical schools and the qualifications of the admissions committee members. So far, we have not encountered a similar system as employed by USD. Once the list is fully compiled, we will make that list available to the general public. You can imagine most Universities are none-to-pleased about having to turn over this list, but under the Federal Freedom of Information Act, they have no choice. We are also working on obtaining the lists from all private institutions that receive Federal research or support dollars.

Issue 6. Ms. Settles is the coordinator of the Gross Anatomy class. While she "only" has an MS, she is a knowledgeable anatomist and an excellent instructor. (As the class was team taught, myself and others in the class found her to be the most comprehension-focused of the instructors--if people had concerns to understanding how to learn, she was able to take a different track to get us there.) Gross Anatomy in medicine programs is considered to be one of the big "weed-out" classes. If you cannot do well in Gross, your stay in the program will be short or extremely painful. As lead instructor and class coordinator, her input is vital to graduating educated physicians.

Answer: You might be very true in your assessment of Ms. Settles abilities as an anatomist. However, a major red flag goes up when an individual who did not go through the rigors of graduate or medical school or who in some cases has lesser academic credentials than some of the applicants sits in judgment of applicants. Our point is that she is just not qualified to sit on this committee.

Clearly, the USD faculty have limited her position on the faculty roster and have capped her tenure as an Instructor.

It would seem to me that an admissions committee member should have the essential qualifications as the applicants. I have opened this blog to the USD Admissions Committee members to post the dates that they completed the MCAT, their respective GPAs, etc for public scrutiny. These are essential positions determining the vital public health of the Citizens of South Dakota, and we should know who is making these decisions.

In earlier posts, I brought about the issues that none of the USD School of Medicine faculty have any formal training in Public Health (at least no one publishes an MPH or MS in Public Health, Epidemiology, etc) … does this not alarm you?

Issue 7: Another concern I have with your discussion on this topic is your focus on those who were excluded. Did you sit in on their interviews? Interviews are important, and while an interview may not show how they might interact with you in a personal or work environment, it may show how a person deals with stressful situations (necessary for the practice of medicine).

Answer: I’ll be brief on this answer … I could address multiple points but it would turn out to be a thesis.

I did not sit-in on the student’s personal interviews.

I am not certain I agree with you on the importance of an interview. In most cases, the interviewer has 30 minutes to 1 hour to Q/A the applicant. I am positive that most experts in the field of interrogation would agree with me that this is not ample time to find-out that someone is. In short, I am not a big fan of or believer in the personal interview.

Letters of recommendation are much more important evaluators of the fitness of an applicant. What bothers me is that a majority of applicants are just out of their undergraduate studies and most have a letter written by their Organic Chemistry professor or Biology professor. These individuals write dozens (sometime hundreds) of letters. Most of these letter go like this: “Suzy Q was in my course XXXX-101, she earned a grade of “A.” I was able to interact with Suzy Q during the semester. I think she will perform acceptably during her studies at your medical school. Suzy has a GPA or 0.00 and scored 10s on the MCAT.” I ask you, what good is a letter like this? Each of the individuals who contacted me about the practices of the USD SOM have stellar letters of recommendation and incredible work experiences post-undergraduate studies.

Based on your argument, if interviews are so capable of weeding-out applicants, why are there so many “arrogant” individuals in your current SOM class (at least according to your classmate Michael’s earlier post)?

What types of stressful situations were you exposed to in your personal interview that would lead your interviewers to believe that you would be able to handle a stressful medical procedure or situation? Would a PhD or a MS interviewer have those same insights as an MD interviewer?

Let me throw this one out to you. One applicant to the USD SOM is a decorated officer in the US Military. He served two involuntary tours in Iraq – Fallujah to be exact. He has command experience in a battlefield situation, yet he was rejected by Admissions Committee. Do you feel that you or any of your fellow students are more qualified than this individual? Did you put your life on the line to defend the principles of this Nation?

Maybe, your argument on the importance of the interview holds less water than you originally thought … but this is just my opinion.

Issue 8: I have sat through graduate school interviews that I thought I did very well in, to get a rejection letter saying I needed to work on my interview skills. I have personally conducted interviews for a Residency program in my life prior to entering a graduate program. Would some of those [MBBS] and MDs resent my only having had a bachelor's degree having a say in their admission to a residency program with hundreds of applicants and only 7 spots. Absolutely. However, does that mean that my ability to understand someone who had 4 weeks of class and 6 weeks of experience in a field I had 8 years of experience working in, having worked with practitioners of various backgrounds and education levels and seeing who succeeded and failed was not a valid perspective? I think not, and neither did the residency program who selected me as an interviewer.

Answer: As I have stated in previous posts, I am a huge fan and supporter of community members at large sitting on admissions committee’s. Membership on such a committee is a major responsibility and we must be humble on our opinions. I hope before you passed judgment on the applicant that you reflected on your own experiences and made a decision based on your heart and conscience.

Issue 9: As for the comment about the admissions program being comprised of people from the Vermillion and Sioux Falls areas, as the committee is made up of people who work at the SSOM, why wouldn't they live near to where they work?

Answer: I have no problem that members of the admissions committee are from the Sioux Falls/Vermillion areas. My central argument is that the admissions committee is ONLY composed from people living in these areas. A MAJORITY of South Dakotans (>80%) do not live in these areas. With this in mind, shouldn’t the admissions committee of the ONLY Medical School (that is charged with safeguarding SD medical education program) in South Dakota be comprised of member of the greater community? Shouldn’t the admission committee contain members from SDSU or Augustana? In fact, many of the faculty members at these two institutions have higher academic credentials than the faculty members of the USD SOM. Shouldn’t there be members from western South Dakota. Shouldn’t there be a member representing the 9% of the SD population that is associated with one of American Indian Tribes (a population that is 100% medically underserved)?

Our state legislators travel from throughout the state to the Capitol, why can’t we have other members travel to the USD for a few days of interviews. I guarantee you that a majority of individuals, if asked, would gladly serve on this important committee.

Issue 10: Mr. Gilbertson, while I understand the point you are trying to make, I disagree with your concerns.

Answer: You are welcome to disagree, but I caution you in disagreeing with these important concerns over the health and well-being of South Dakotans. We, as a nation (but more as a State) are in an ABSOLUTE health care crisis. South Dakota is a medically underserved State and we have serious public health issues (type II diabetes is just one of many examples). We need primary care physicians and we need a Medical School and an Admissions Committee that understands these important and fundamental issues.

To the USD Individual Posting Himself as "Me"

Howdy Followers,

The recent comments by the USD faulty member who is posing as me (Gerry Gilbertson) have been removed and will continue to be removed until this person uses his own identity. He comments that this blog is nothing more than lies, but he can't reveal his identity? He claims to have match statistic knowledge, but does not provide that information? He makes a lot of claims without being able to back them up.

As I posted at the outset of this blog, as moderator and owner of the blog, I reserved the right to remove unfounded comments. I am exercising that right!

Mr. Anonymous posted that he was unable to find me in some magical Harvard Alumni database. Well, let's be honest, there is no alumni database available to the general public. Just another example of Mr. Anonymous talking out of his rear orifice.

The intent of this blog is to discuss issues about the USD SOM Admissions Committee and their lack (at least in my opinion ... you are welcome to disagree) of qualifications to sit on this committee. We will be presenting this issue to the legislature and requesting that over-sight in employed. Of course, you are all welcome to take a pro/con position on our attempts. However, we will be victorious and we will safeguard the public health of South Dakota.

As a final point, Mr. USD Anonymous, thanks for logging in and commenting from work ... we have your USD IP Address!

Maybe the First Sensible USD Commentator


You make great points and I will try to comment consistently and concisely. The point of this blog is to expose the faculty admissions committee of the USD SOM. I am not personally attacking anyone on this blog. My comments are made without passion or prejudice. The point of this blog is to draw the attention of the appropriate elected individuals to make change in the USD system.

My comments are centering on the PhDs of the admissions committee and the fact that the admissions committee does NOT represent the whole of South Dakota. I think you will agree with me that the population of SD does not just reside in Vermillion or Sioux Falls.

This is grass-roots at its best! :>)

Issue 1: Wow, sounds like this person didn't get accepted into medical school.

Answer: You make very good points concerning the people skills required of a good physician. I could not agree with you in a stronger or more supportive fashion.

I must continue to point out that I am not an applicant … just a humble journalist (as far as this blog is concerned).

Issue 2: As a medical school student currently, I was denied admission from a number of schools. All you focus on is the academics, the numbers. You pay no attention to the fact that maybe these people who were denied (to me it sounds like you are included) were deficient in many other areas such as volunteer work, shadowing, and most important, people skills. I have a number of students in my class who are very intelligent, but are completely oblivious to social situations. They more than likely got in based on grades, but in my opinion will not make excellent doctors.

Answer: This blog is focusing on the potential to make social change in the operations of the USD School of Medicine. You focus on the core of the charge. If the faculty making the decisions are not as qualified (or less qualified) than the individual applicants, then how are they capable of making admissions decisions. It has been the central argument of this blog that a majority of the current admissions committee is just not qualified. Of course, there can be differing opinions on this issue.

Each of the students who have come to me concerning these specific issues have excellent academic qualifications, excellent research experiences, excellent volunteering experiences, and wonderful people skills.

I agree with you that too many students gain admission to MD programs who just do not have the appropriate people skills, They are smart people by all means, but they need a little honing.

Issue 3: MD's, no matter what level, are qualified to select other MD's.

Answer: Maybe yes maybe no. I think there needs to be more transparency on this issue. Not all MDs are created equally.

Issue 4: There is a difference between someone who dreams of being a doctor and one who can be a doctor. If that doesn't make sense to you, you probably are the one dreaming.

Answer: Are you certain that I not a physician? Take caution in your answer and be able to back-it-up before you post it.

Issue 5: The credentials these individuals have show their dedication to their field and their knowledge of what it takes to achieve the distinction.

Answer: Dedication? If they are PhDs in the natural sciences, why do they not have significant and published research experiences? Where are their publications to prove their expertise. If I earned a PhD at the University of Phoenix, would this qualify me to teach within the USD SOM? How about a mail-order PhD, does this qualify me? Am I qualified to teach within the USD SOM if my only accomplishment is completing a MS or PhD or an MD but never practicing in my field?

Issue 6: CME (continuing medical education) is required of all medical personal.

Answer: CME is only required of practicing medical professionals.

Issue 7: There are things that I am learning now that will be obsolete in 20 years. Does that mean I am a worse physician that a new medical school graduate? NO! Experience matters in medicine and it is the difference between life and death.

Answer: You are absolutely correct. Experience is a very valuable tool. There are lessons that you will learn that will be proven wrong in twenty years … I am certain of this. When I was “learning” human medicine it was thought that cardiomyocytes were terminally differentiated and that upon damage (e.g., aMI) were not able to regenerate. Today, we know that cardiomyocyte regeneration and remodeling occurs post-MI.

Hmmmm, maybe I know something about medicine and biology!

Issue 8: If you didn't get accepted into medical school maybe it is YOUR experiences that are lacking and not THEIR credentials.

Answer: Be careful on your assumptions.

Some are more Comfortable in the World of Opinion Instead of Fact

This blog is purely meant to be an avenue of exposure to the unqualified admissions practices and unqualified admissions committee members that composed the University of South Dakota School of Medicine. It would seem that some individuals are taking this blog as a personal attack. No such personal attacks have occurred. The members of the admissions committee that have been brought to light in this blog are public servants, thus by the nature of their positions they are subject to public criticism.

Issue 1: Calling me a coward is not very professional of you. Again I think this proves a couple of my points. First off, that having "my name and e-mail address [which] are complete, published, and available through the website," does not make me any less anonymous. In fact, having you say nothing about yourself is quite frustrating. I guess the old adage is true 'what comes around goes around.'

Answer: I am not going to continue this debate with you. Again, my credentials (academic or otherwise) are of no consequence to this debate. It is not a me vs USD issue. This blog centers around exposing the frauds of the USD admissions committee and their incompetence and unsuitability of sitting on this admissions panel.

You are welcome to contact me at gerry.gilbertson@yahoo.com

Issue 2: Who makes personal attacks on anonymous posters if he/she is calm, collected, and reasonable as you so claim?

Answer: This blog has been calm and civil from its start. At no point did I make a personal attack against you. I have only requested that you substantiate your claims.

About Issue 1: You still hide behind a cloak of anonymity. Your motives are still in question, and you haven't done anything to change that.

Answer: I have thoroughly explained my motives. When you read the NY Times or any other newspaper do you question all the motives of the authors? Maybe, you should read the article, think about the content, agree or disagree with the authors points-of-view or conclusions.

About Issue 2: This issue really "has nothing to do with rejection letters?" I'm not sure if I buy what you are trying to sell Mr. Gilbertson. Why bring up this issue now? What sparked it? I just ask so we can clarify your motivation.

Answer: I only responded to your point(s). In an early comment you claimed that I was an applicant or that maybe I had a son or daughter who was rejected. You claimed to have knowledge about March rejection letters. You seem to claim that you have inside knowledge that only a member of the USD School of Medicine Admissions Committee would know. I brought that issue forward, suggesting that you might be a member of the Admissions Committee … you have denied this association.

About Issue 2: You now claim to be a journalist. That's funny Mr. Gilbertson. After a short google search I have not been able to find any of your writings. I am going to put that claim into the lie category until proven otherwise.

Answer: As always, you are welcome to assume anything you so choose. The blog is only meant to be informational. Additional Legislative action is moving forward. Legal suits on behalf of those supporting this blog will probably be following shortly.

I think it is interesting that you claim that my credentials are fabricated and yet you are hiding your identity and using my name as your identity. Interesting!

About Issue 3: Yes, we've heard about the 'supporters' before. Still no concrete evidence, just a claim. Also, I think you are just taking the words of the president to fit your unique scenario about being upset by the admissions committee. If you were truly worried about state accountability, you would not have narrowed in on the medical school admissions committee. Now Mr. Gilbertson, please be honest, would you be so kind as to tell us the REAL reason you are upset? I would bet not.

Answer: Like many Americans, I have supported Government transparency. When you have a non-accountable system that hides behind doors, there is nothing left but assumption of corruption. It is time we, as Americans, start exposing all individuals who participate in these actions. The USD is a PUBLIC institution, responsible to the Citizens of South Dakota. This is not YOU LITTLE PRIVATE UNIVERSITY. We have the right and responsibility to constantly provide oversight of all governmental and public agencies.

About Issue 4: Really Mr. Gilbertson, an 'investigative journalist' who has no articles cited online? What other claims are you going to make before you collapse under a pile of lies?

Answer: I think you claimed that PubMed was not all inclusive of biomedical research publications and you discounted publications as a source for credentialing. You provide an exception for the admissions committee, but then you hold me to a different standard. Next thing we know, you will be spouting that black Americans should have separate eating facilities or positions on public transportation.

About Issue 5: So, in short you're saying you have no background in medical school policies, the medical world, or biology. Sounds like you are not qualified to give an opinion on the matter. You mention an academic experience at a top-five biomedical research institute (no name given), then dodge whether it was in science or journalism.

Answer: Never made any of “these” claims. I have a very broad background in the biomedical sciences and I have both studied and been trained at three of the top ranked educational institutions in the USA. Harvard is one of them. In terms of medical school policies, I have been involved in reformation of programs from New York to California. I have fought for admissions causes for American Indian applicants and other minority applicants. One of my backgrounds is medical reporting. Some very talented and highly trained MDs have been excellent journalist and science writers: Michael Crichton ring a bell?

There is no dodging of questions. I have answered all points addresses. The only dodging on issues and comments are from people like you who hide their identity.

As I said, a Live Radio broadcast will be held next week. You are welcome to call in.

About Issue 6: Back to the emotionally charged issue. Calling people a coward, yet hiding in anonymity your self? "Lighting a fire" on the issue at 3 AM? These acts point towards emotion Mr. Gilbertson not reasonable. As a seasoned investigative journalist, one would think that you would be able to notice that in your writing.

Answer: I have not been emotional in this blog … sorry if you have interpreted the blog postings as emotional. As for responding at 3:00AM, sorry I was fast asleep. Maybe, the host server is abroad? Maybe, I am currently out of the country.

About Issue 6: Also, I am flattered that you think I am one of the highly qualified individuals on the admissions board.

Answer: Okay, if you are not a member of the faculty why are you so passionately charged on this issue. The blog is simply a blog. We are attempting to make social and political change. I think in a short time-frame you will find-out how powerful grass-roots movements like this can be when well orchestrated.

If you are not a member of the faculty, then all the issues and statements of [facts] that you supposedly claim about residencies, qualifications, etc are bunk. Clearly, if this is the case (that you are not a faculty member) then you have no qualifications to comment-on.

About Issue 7: You obviously do not know how the Sanford SOM works. Again showing that you probably do not have the knowledge to be 'lighting a fire' on this issue.

Answer: Well, since you are not a faulty member then I too assume that you know nothing about USD SOM. However, I think my knowledge of the administration and its internal workings and policies is quite solid.

About Issue 8: No Mr. Gilbertson there is no critical flaw in my argument. The argument was that the students graduating from the Sanford SOM are very competitive at a national level as shown by their match statistics. I said nothing about the amount of students going into primary care, or coming back to South Dakota after residency. Those stats are available if you choose to find them. Once you do find them, you'll clearly see that they support the fact that the administrators are doing a wonderful job upholding the mission of the school. I find it rather odd that an 'investigative journalist' did not do his homework before writing all of this.

Answer: Please, direct me to these references. I am in the progress of contacting the institutions you previously mentioned. When the data comes back, I will post it.

I think my homework thus far has been dead-spot-on. Clearly, my writings have irritated you.

About Issue 9: I did not quote a statistic, and that is why you are unaware of it. Mr. Gilbertson, please don't take my comments out of context. I was stating that the competitiveness of the school, as shown by match statistics has excelled at a national level. As an investigative journalist, how come you have not found the over arching problem with the US News and World Report ratings? Seems as though you only use the statistics that support your argument while leaving others out. If you are truly about enlightening the South Dakota public, maybe you might want to start by putting in all of the facts. That shouldn't be difficult for a journalist.

Answer: “We are all entitled to our individuals opinions, but not to our individuals facts.”

About Issue 10: Again, I am only as anonymous as you. No credentials, no articles, no biography? This should leave South Dakotans suspect of your motives.

Answer: My name and e-mail address is clearly posted. Anyone can contact me. Please feel free to e-mail me your academic credentials and I will gladly assemble the course work against mine and publish. The only caveat I state: when my academic credentials and experiences out-weigh your credentials and experiences, you are required to resign from your faculty position. There is your ultimate challenge.