Thursday, May 14, 2009

Setting The Record Straight

I am always fascinated by people who say/do one thing and then thirty seconds later (or even sometimes while they are saying "it") are doing just the opposite. This is the case with Shawn Vuong. In response to our exposing-of his antics, he sends out an message trying to draw a truce from South Dakota's Medicine. In fact, Shawn goes as far as offering to meet-up for dinner an discussing the issues raised on this blog. At the same time as requesting a cease fire, Shawn goes as far as posting on his other website a commentary about me and this website saying that he is not going to discuss the contents of this web-blog and further claims that the content of this web-log is nothing more than "[an] incredible amount of lies, name-calling, and childish antics." Of course, Shawn is welcome to his opinions, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution provides this opportunity for/to him. On the flip-side, there is nothing about the content of this website based on lies. We have simply pointed out the facts of the situation. Anyone is welcome to comment on anything that they believe is a lie and I will respond in kind.

As for meeting-up with Shawn, I would be happy to do so, but I do not see how that will solve or add-to the mission of this group. We have already engaged the South Dakota State Legislature and are working for radical change within the make-up of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine.

I find it amazing that an individual (like Shawn Vuong) was admitted to a medical school that has a State Constitutional Mandate focusing the educational requirements of the admitted students into the areas of family practice/rural medicine (see our earlier post for the exact reference to the mandate), but then makes open claims that he intends to most likely specialize in neurology (or similar sub-specialty) and that he has no interest (or intention) to practice in primary care medicine. In fact, in one of his personal web-entries, Shawn claims :

"...The truth is the current physicians know [primary care medicine] falling apart, and they have been telling us students to stay far far away. Doctors comment (whether in person or on blogs) about the unhappiness in their respective fields, low reimbursement rates after high debt accumulation from school, shrinking scope of practice, decreasing respect, increasing pressure to see more patients faster than ever before, decreasing amount of independence and autonomy, and no political help in sight ... So, smart medical students are doing only what they can, dodging primary care. Even the practicing physicians aren't so sure they want to hang around any more."

Amazing, maybe it is time that the Admissions Committee goes back and reads Shawn's Secondary Essay
where the questions focus on the mission of the Medical School.

The questions composing the Secondary Application from the University of South Dakota School of Medicine are as follows:

1. Given the mission of this school, please justify why you should be accepted for admittance.

2. Describe the type of medical practice you envision for yourself in 10 to 15 years.

3. Describe how your experiences in health care or social care activities will help you become oa good physician.

4. Breifly describe a crisis situation in your life, how you have worked through thte crisis, and what you learned from this experience.

5. What are your career plans in the event that you are not admitted to a medical school: a) this year, b) afer several applications.

I wonder how Shawn and the 75% of the "other" USD students that did not/do not abide by the mission statement of this school answered these questions?

In short, this weblog has been nothing but fair, truthful and balanced. We have provided valuable information to the State of South Dakota and anyone has the opportunity to respond to the comments and postings of this website. I would be happy to personally meet with anyone concerned about these issues and extend invitations to all, however, since I spend a potion of the year at my home in Pacific Grove (Monterey, CA) you will need to arrange your own travel.

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