Monday, March 30, 2009

Minimalist Credentials and an Appointment?

I am becoming more and more confused on the appointment(s) of most members of the University of South Dakota medical school admissions committee. Continuing with my pledge to expose the unqualified nature of this committee, the publications of Ms. Ann Settles are outlined below. As you can see there is not much to report. To qualify as a publication, the manuscript must be peer-reviewed and available through PubMed (

As you will remember, Ms. Settles holds a Masters of Science degree. In an earlier post, it was suggested by a current University of South Dakota School of Medicine first year medical student that Ms. Settles was qualified because her husband (sadly deceased) earned a PhD. My wife is a vascular surgeon; does this uniquely qualify me to perform surgical procedures?

Ann Settles MS, Instructor, University of South Dakota School of Medicine

Publications: ZERO

First Author: ZERO

Senior Author: ZERO

I do not even know how to comment on the appointment of an individual who has not contributed one novel, hypothesis driven, peer-reviewed publication in her entire career. How is this individual qualified to: (1) be appointed as a member of the “faculty” within the School of Medicine, (2) appointed to the Admissions Committee of the SOM? Apparently, minimum qualifications are neither required nor observed at the University of South Dakota.

In short, this individual is NOT QUALIFIED to sit in a position of decision-making for applicants, especially considering her LACK OF credentials and the fact that many applicants have vastly superior credentials and academic degrees.

It is time for the South Dakota Legislature and the President of the University of South Dakota to act and remove this committee!

Of course, if we have reported any errors on Ms. Settles credentials, she is certainly open to e-mail me ( and provide links to peer-reviewed published articles.

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